How are Loose Diamonds Valued ?

Often, jewelry owners need to determine diamond value derived from several aspects. New jewelry, family heirlooms and old diamonds may all be evaluated, and a stone’s value determined when an appraiser is contacted.

Loose Diamond Quality

When loose diamonds are assessed, they’re often valued upon their condition, dirtiness or outdated place within the market. Often, a stone’s value perpetuates its own merit—its previous condition and style are often attributed to base values.

Where condition is considered, loose diamonds are evaluated by several factors, and diamonds containing the following “flaws” often experience depreciated value:

  • Black coloration
  • Missing parts
  • Cloudy color

The Four C’s and Ranking

Primarily, loose diamond value is configured around their “Four C’s”, or cut, carat, color and clarity. These factors are universal, and they grant individuals the ability to “rank” their loose diamond’s quality.

Surrounding Metal

Loose diamonds are often re-obtained from metal jewelry. When jewelry is professionally cleaned, diamonds often receive similar treatment. However, when removed from surrounding metal, loose diamonds may be depreciated from cloudy areas associated with being adhered to metal.

High-quality materials, when applied to loose diamonds, often maintain a stone’s value. Top-notch diamonds may add value to surrounding jewelry, but jewelry—itself—often maintains a diamond’s complexion and stability.


An experienced appraiser can often determine a loose diamond’s overall price. Obtaining appraisal notifications grants individuals several benefits aside from understanding diamond value:

  • Insurance coverage
  • Prices quoted from industry estimates
  • Included sales environment factors
  • Focus on the international diamond market

Price Fluctuation

While prices based strictly upon ranking don’t exist, loose diamond prices often fluctuate to accommodate for the global market. Loose diamonds are sold in a variety of ways—and in many locations. Besides appraisers, the following places often provide decent insight to loose diamond values:

  • Internet auction sites
  • Pawn shops
  • Antique shops
  • Auction houses
  • Jewelry stores

Ascertaining and understanding loose diamond prices is fairly easy, and placing them within global market ranks provides effective rank and value comparisons. Whether loose diamonds are newly obtained or from older generations, they can be identified via industry-tested and approved methods—providing individuals with important knowledge.