How is Jewelry Appraisal Accomplished ?

Understanding the jewelry appraisal process is important for receiving effective, secure services. Diamond Buyers and Exchange effectively maintain standards as quality jewelry buyers should. Jewelry appraisal requires unbiased, written provisions guaranteeing statements procured through professional appraisers. An appraiser’s opinion, similarly, is held in high regards as providing accurate value to procured jewelry. Depending upon the piece’s defined value, present jewelry market analytics and pre-existing data support a holistic approximation of the piece’s overall value and future value.

The Appraisal Process

Jewelry appraisal is a considerably detailed process, and identification requires the identification of various characteristics. Jewelry consisting of diamonds often include a diamond “grading plot”—in which the stone’s internal components are measured. Additionally, each statement is guarded by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Certification Agreement. The qualified appraisal is delivered through the following:

  • Effective appraisal equipment
  • Acute jewelry assessment
  • Pre-existing standards and guidelines

Once appraised, a jewelry piece is often declared through an appraisal statement, providing explanations relevant to a piece’s description.

Integrity and Security

Security is vital within the appraising industry, and individuals seeking personal property appraisal should consider appraisal qualities when completing the process.

Diamond Buyers and Exchange staffs a jewelry buyer and appraiser with 35 years of experience in the jewelry industry. Jewelry appraisers maintain broad backgrounds within many jewelry business spheres.

Our buyer and appraiser holds a background within a variety of jewelry business spheres, so she solidly knows first hand what jewelry prices should be.


Diamond Buyers and Exchange grants free appraisals to customers. Diamond Buyers and Exchange’s appraisals are done on house, for any gem and/ or jewelry piece.